Wednesday 16 December 2009


So much has been going on in my life these past few weeks. But not in the emo way, in the cool way. I now officially have fish! Whoop! Roger and Tarquin, we had to get two snails as well, because we don't have a filter and they help clean the bowl blah blah blah blaaaaah. Whatever, anyway their name is The Steve’s. That really isn't a very good picture, but you can see the badger skull (real by the way).

Have been struck by the voice eating monsters, you also had the temperature givers with them. I am really really annoyed as the same thing happened exactly the same time last year. And I also had a concert the exact time last year (bar one day (the concert is tomorrow)). And there is no way I can sing tomorrow. Unless I randomly, and by some miracle, wake up tomorrow at 5.45am with a beautifully restored voice. Not gonna happen. You see, I'm in the school choir. Which is actually made up of about seven people, one of whom is never there, another who technically never sings. Just kind of whines. We do have badges now. Tre awesome.

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