Saturday 19 December 2009


Cool, this is post nineteen and I am on day nineteen of my online advent calendar. It's Saturday night, and I am half way through the Strictly Come Dancing finale. But to be honest, it hasn't gripped me like it did last year. Am listening to Danielle Ate The Sandwich... again. I am a tad obsessed with her. She has such a pretty voice, one of my favourite songs is definitely Another Day. Vista is pissing me off today. But then, doesn't it piss every one off? Whoa, this blog is proving to be quite random.

Something Cool I've Done Today!!
I have entered this give-away, on 'little chief honeybee's blog. I want you to enter, so you have a chance of winning, but I also don't want you to enter. So I have more chance of winning. >:)

Other cool things happening this week are: me going Christmas shopping with Rose on Monday, + of course, Christmas itself. Even though it is very unlikely to snow for Xmas here is wet cold Britain. One can hope, surely.

1 comment:

So, you've found my burp interesting. Go on, say something, you know you want to. :)