Thursday 7 January 2010


In all my excitement about the snow. And my hurty back (I fell over really badly, I can't sit down without making strangely sexual sounding pain noises) I completely forgot that I still haven't finished my cooking homework. Whoops. Shall do that in a moment. The snow has a strange effect on people in the South of England. It's like: "Oh my God, I've never seen this before. It NEVER snows down 'ere." Jeez, It's been worse people. We went to the Co-Op (formerly Somerfield) to get food and stuff. In times of possible snow-disaster, the most important food stuff needed - crisps and chocolate. But we needed milk too, not like 12 pints, there's only two of us, but 2 pints. There was hardly any milk in the Co-Op. This morning, there was none. At all. I mean, if we all get snowed in, what are you gonna do with all that milk. THERE AREN'T ENOUGH TEA BAGS IN THE WORLD to use up the amount of milk everyone's bought.

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